The Secrets Out!

My Block, NC, United States
I'm a renaissance women, budding activist, fashion geek, future ecu pirate...with a vision and a nasty procrastination habit.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I dont even know why Im up??

I was curious about the status of katy perry and travis mccoys i guess they're back together....but that wasn't the point of this post...the point is that katys dress is freakin hot. and that i think its cute that travy is holding her purse...atleast i hope its hers...i should probably go to sleep now...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thanks Oprah!

So Oprah giving America 2 pieces of KFC grilled chicken, 2 sides, and a biscuit. I would have preferd fried, but hey were in a recession so thanks non the less. Who gives the whole country a meal...Oprah thats who!

Thanks O!