The Secrets Out!

My Block, NC, United States
I'm a renaissance women, budding activist, fashion geek, future ecu pirate...with a vision and a nasty procrastination habit.

Monday, July 6, 2009

So this is Drake (still Jimmy in my eyes) highly anticipated first video, a prelude to a supposedly awesome album coming in the fall. All I have to say is : wtf! The w-t-f don't even deserve captilization because the video was that drab, boring, and stupid. Now I love Drake and I have been an avid supporter of him since 06' but this video, which by the by was produced by Kanye, is just another excuse to show women with big tits running around with no freakin clothes on. All they did was switch up the club/party atmosphere and trade it in for a gym and a locker room. Not that I expected some great philisophical video with amazing imagery and deep meaning, but with all the hype, his previous musical work, and Kanye on the production team i just expected a little more. Not to mention something a little less low budget looking. I slightly blame it on his recent affiliation with Young Money, ever since he started making records with Wayne about 1.5 years ago his flow changed. The talent and metaphors are still there but the messages and dilivery are different. Hmm...but what can you do? With a guy who praises his girl for being the "fucking best" , what more did I really expect. Still love the song, but I can't support the above foolishness...except the half time speech...the half time speech was indeed funny. toodoloo

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